This was written on 23rd Dec 2019 and as I select, delete and shut down my old blog page I wanted to keep this one for me to read and remind myself to notice the signs, sit in the chaos, lean into what is unfolding and renew each morning with the sun.
In slowing down for Christmas and hoping to find moments of peace to create clarity on goals for 2020, I have been given several signs in the last 2 days in particular.
To let it be, trust the current chaos and lean in.
And for the first time in a long time the unknown sits ok with me. I am reminded of how much I love change, thrive in a variable environment and am excited about the opportunities to create a life crafted by my own doing. (And yes I am aware that is what we all are doing every day…but some days you can feel yourself going along with the motions, overwhelmed by the societal expectations and trapped by the decisions you once made to bring you more freedom).
Anyway I am here to share the signs in case you need to hear them too…
Post fitness class on Saturday morning the lovely instructor reads us this quote:
“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone” – Alan Watts
The rest of it reads;
“Furthermore, as muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone, it could be argued that those who sit quietly and do nothing are making one of the best possible contributions to a world in turmoil.”
Lines I have heard before but lying on the floor in a savasana of sorts it hit me hit between the eyes. A mix of relief and elation came over me and I surrendered to the moment, the day and what my intuition was telling me. It is time to get really quiet and still.
Then today, 2hrs delayed at Bristol airport and fully accepting of the time being given to me really. To shop, wander, sip coffee and read my new book. I am given my coffee with its usual random interpretation of my name….I’m never sure if it’s my name, my accent, the rush they are under but vary rarely to I get Leanne.
Today I got Lean. And I mean I got it, I joked about it on Instagram – making a joke about my mince pie daily habit making me anything but lean.
But I knew and good friend commented too. Lean. Lean in. Lean in to what is coming your way, to the unknown, the random connections, the way you feel when you consider that job, that person, that adventure. Lean in to it….maybe it holds more possibilities than you give it initial credit.
Finally in a debate with my father on the drive home about the Winter Solstice (mainly it’s date, he was right this year by the way), I was reminded that tonight will be the longest night. The sun will not rise until 8.05am tomorrow/ Monday 23rd December morning. With it too comes what many believe as the rebirth of the sun and it is believed to hold powerful energy for regeneration, renewal and self-reflection.
I know I am ready for this energy shift and am open to the signs that will guide the way.