I am back with some regular blogging and hellos! I will keep them short – put the kettle on and by the time it has boiled you’ll have this read!
Those who know me, know I don’t love all the social media, send emails, promote yourself side of running this business. But someone recently reminded me to ‘Get over myself!’ – by not putting myself out there I was holding back great services from people who need them. Which was odd to hear but hopefully has some truth in it. And that in getting over myself and putting myself out there a bit more, you can see if I am what you need for your body and mind, or you can at least nod along with some of my musings.
So here I am getting over myself and posting – How have you been? Its been a period of change and slight limbo for me, which seems to be the general consensus for the country too. So I have been trying to stay in the present moment with the things that bring me joy and certainty. Which for me is time with friends, family and of course movement. I always slightly resist the last one of movement (I know) – journeying through coffee, cake, gin, binge watching a new series and then voila I turn to movement, check in, get grounded and all is well with the world.
How do you stay in the present moment? Let me know.